My First Blog Post

Hello everybody. This is the first post in my new blog. This is not your common Wordpress or Blogger blog. It runs on a custom blogging platform made from scratch, on top of Google App Engine. Soon I will add a couple of posts about how it’s done, and I will release the code of the platform.

In the future I will use this blog to talk about stuff that interests me. For example:

  • Google App Engine, Django and other tools for rapid web application development
  • Sage, an open source mathematics package
  • Devi Prasad Shetty, and how he transformed medicine through mass production
  • Interesting visualizations! As information is more and more available it is becoming increasingly important how to visualize and understand easily

The subscribe links don't work yet, so I am afraid you won't be able to read this blog in your favorite RSS reader. But I hope that I will see you again soon. Thanks for coming!

Update (1/13/2015): Not really.

Written on December 1, 2009