New Webmaster Central

Google recently launched a new promotion for Webmaster Central and Webmaster Tools, which are undoubtedly the most important resources that the webmasters of the entire world have to optimize their sites for search (Disclaimer: I work at Webmaster Tools so Im kind of slightly biased).

Now if you go to Google and search for the pages of your site, for example, you will see something like this:

Google promotion for Webmaster Tools

If you are a webmaster you may already know about the site: operator, however you can get more reliable indexing data from Webmaster Tools than from the site: results.

The link will take you to the redesigned Webmaster Central page which looks more or less like this:

Webmaster Central screenshot

It has a button to take you to Webmaster Tools, and a few other very helpful links, including the user forums, help center and the official Webmaster Central blog. And in case you didnt even know about Webmaster Tools (really?), it will explain what are some of the most important features.

Webmaster Tools features

I hope you like it! And if you have any comments, suggestions, etc. you can reach me in any of the social sites below.

Written on September 15, 2010